However, when the second player tried to sign in it kept on saying "Your profile was not completely downloaded" and would not allow any secondary player to join for split screen. Please refer to our self-help content for additional assistance.

This site in other languages x.Due to high volumes, response times in the community may be delayed over the next few days. How satisfied are you with this response? Bonjour, Avez vous trouver la solution? How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. I have the same question Same problem, any solutions? Thanks for marking this as the answer. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. October 6, Due to high volumes, response times in the community may be delayed over the next few days. I just want to play online as a guest! Did this solve your problem? Yes No. We called Microsoft and they told us to call EA and that was 2 hour waste of time. We tried upgrading to GOLD but it will not allow the other to sign in as a guest.

Recently - I'm assuming with the latest update we are no able to play online. At first my boyfriend and I would play local coop online - even though neither of us had gold we were still able to play. I've been playing Left4Dead 2 backwards compatibility on my Xbox One since it was released. Due to high volumes, response times in the community may be delayed over the next few days.